Coping with negativity on a daily basis

I asked my followers on instagram, what would they be interested to read about in my next article. There was three mutual responds, how to cope with stress, with fear and how to create healthy balanced routine. And it would be fair to say that I really love to explore and give my insights on mental health. I am not an expert of course, but mental health is definitely one of the main topics that inspires me and has a big influence on my art.

Being in a process of maintaining a healthy life style I am carefully listening to my body. What feels right and wrong to it. Comparing my conditions between last and this year. 2022 gives me a great vision on how successfully dedicate yourself to something much bigger than yourself. I remember one year before, in 2021, I was listening to one of my favourite musicians and songwriters, Moses Sumney, and one of his songs has such lyrics:

“ I wish I could dedicate my life

My life to something bigger

Something bigger than me

The Earth ever spins on its axis

I’m spinning in echopraxis

My life doesn’t belong to me”

By listening this song on repeat, each time plunged me deeper and deeper into thoughts and strange feelings. These words resonated with me so much, that I was lack for words to explain what visions his song evoked in me. All I could do was to cry. Cry because I was so scared to live my life without purpose, I was scared that every second of it flowed like water through my fingers and was just as elusive. Stress was at a highest level because no idea would emerge, on how to fast and successfully get out of the dark hole I was mentally in. Because of this I constantly felt pressure in my chest. Good to mention that I am all or nothing person, and in my imagination everything has to happen at the click of a finger. That’s how unprocessed my ego was. If I could only imagine back then how my life will change in a very short period of time, when the war came into my house.

And it was real, everything changed at the snap of a finger, just only at a very cruel price. There wasn’t a split second left to think, there were only actions left, the intuitive choice of which outlined the future path. Standing on the edge of the peak, you take a step forward into the unknown, fall into the abyss, and the only thing that gives you wings is faith in God. While you are falling, your whole life flashes before your eyes. The value of maternal warmth, paternal protection, the value of family, gratitude for life and for everything that you were lucky enough to experience and live until the very moment of fall. When your lungs begin to lack oxygen, only at that moment do you understand the value of air.. and your lungs. I bet, a lot of people who gone through traumatic experience will agree with me.

Being in real danger to your life, and not one that your brain comes up with out of boredom, you begin to appreciate every moment you live. Moreover, you begin to appreciate all living things around and realise the connection of all living things with each other, you realise the unity. It is a pity that such insights are given to modern humans at such a high price. But whatever it is – this is certainly a blessing. It’s a push to become a better version of yourself, a push towards enlightenment and purpose. Of course this path isn’t covered with rose petals, it’s still thorny. But this is not at all scary, as we often imagine. With every new step into the unknown, it becomes interesting what is waiting for us next. Realising that universally we aren’t in control of our life, we might shift the focus onto ourselves. By starting the change from within, we are changing the world around us. It doesn’t really matter what we are at the moment of the questioning, it does matter what do we tend to become. What is the intention. What are we willing to sacrifice for ourselves.

My decision was – I want to be strong. There’s no doubt, that the connection between mental and physical health is obvious and inextricable. In a healthy body there’s a healthy mind, and this is the golden rule. I made this year a time to meet myself. For instance, contrast shower was a game changer. On a daily basis for a bit over than half year it definitely made me stress-resistant and hardened. At first it was a terribly unpleasant task, but I swear to God, this is a wonderful exercise for nervous system, the bonus of which is also a healthy skin, great mood, and general refreshing. Gym and running 3/3 days a week, as a woman monthly I give myself 5-7 days break. You can choose any activity you like and what makes you happy. The main purpose – is to be in action, giving yourself an hour a day to focus on your physique and free your mind from all the worries. This is your ‘me time’ kinda thing. It forces you to be in contact with your body, feel how your muscles evolve, your posture improves and along with this your self esteem and sense of self increase. This awakens the desire to go outside more often and enjoy fresh air, the desire to see the beauty around.

Speaking of mental health, and brain activity, just as muscles it needs exercise to be trained. For example, I love reading, reading aloud for myself. So I not only gain knowledge, increase my vocabulary in several languages, but I also work on pronunciation and voice production. This exercise help me a lot with singing, which I also love. Professional vocal abilities aren’t so important as a desire and ability to enjoy your voice. The vocal energy that we create vibrates and the vibration travels in all directions through the air, and when it reaches our ears, our brain interprets it as a sound. So, it’s also a good practice to work on our sound to be more gentle and caring. This can be a form of healing too. It makes us focus, and by this shift our thought process into the observer mode. Such as meditation too. All achievements in any field that we choose depend on our dedication to it. Everything is like in school or college, only we set the grades ourselves. This is great, because we learn to balance in this environment. Balance between our musts and wants. May your laziness find no excuses, because the game is worth the candle.

At least, by reinventing your routine, setting healthy boundaries within yourself and with the world, it improves the quality of life, brings joy to the existence, and helps to spend less of the precious time for worries/ stress recoveries etc. The main rule is to be gentle with yourself. Follow your intuition, feel what brings you happiness and follow your heart. Only in balance you can hear the quite voice of your soul. It already knows what you need the most in life. Do not let the noise of fear and stress drown out the voice of your heart. To live a life- is an art. Enjoy the process, explore as a child, and don’t bother yourself too much on the outcome. Just be, just do it, live it, let yourself be sad, be happy, let yourself cry when you need it, dance when you want to, be it all. Vibrate on a high level, be able to find the happiness within yourself and don’t forget to share it with others. Be in love with yourself, and make the whole world to fall in love with you. You are unique. You are special. You are You. You are me. I am you. We are one. The more beauty, passion and empathy we share with each other, the more beautiful world becomes. We all matter. God bless you 🙏🏻❤️

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Great blog! Nothing to add but a hug 🤗


Oh my god, this is just awesome! You should think of being a writer, in my opinion 🤍


I find reinventing routine so important too and singing! Fab article 😍


Dear Juli, thank you so much for your words. You always find such meaningful ways to make me feel that life is worth living despite all the sufferings and dark sides of inhumanity. You’re an inspiration for me, so thank you 🙏and lots of love.
